Staying abroad

A calculator is at your disposal to check your eligibility for the continued payment of the pension during your stay abroad.

An Israeli resident who travelled abroad temporarily will continue to receive an old-age pension during his or her stay abroad, in the month of the departure and for 3 additional months.

Sometimes you will still be eligible for an old-age pension even beyond that time:

How to notify a departure abroad?

You need to inform us of your intent to leave Israel for a longer period than three months, by means of a form of declaration of departure abroad, in order to examine whether or not he or she is entitled to receiving the pension abroad.
The form can be sent to the handling branch directly using the document delivery service.

Please note, 

  • A departure abroad may impact the eligibility of income supplement and of special old-age pension recipients for the continued payment of the benefit.
  • A person residing in an enemy state is not entitled to an old-age pension.